COMMODITY: RemOil®, with or without MoistureGuard; in liquid form, in outer packages up to 60 L (15.8 gallons).
PROPER SHIPPING NAME: | Flammable liquid, n.o.s. (petroleum distillates) | LABEL: | Yes |
MARKING: | Yes |

RemOil has a flashpoint of 105F, and therefore it is a PG III flammable liquid. It is comprised of petroleum distillates and petroleum oil. These are both dangerous goods, and in pure forms would be shipped as UN 1268 Petroleum Distillates, N.O.S. and UN 1268 Petroleum Products, N.O.S.
It is shipped as UN 1993 with the proper shipping name “Flammable liquid, n.o.s. (petroleum distillates)”. The abbreviation n.o.s. means “not otherwise specified”. N.O.S. entries are used when a specific proper shipping name does not exist, or the product is a mixture. Since petroleum distillates are the primary component, they are used for the technical name in parentheses.
Citations: IATA Chapter 3.2; Dangerous Goods List

RemOil liquid is eligible for LQ-Air up to 1oL per shipping case. However Remington’s policy is to mark packages of RemOil as LQ for surface. Therefore the LQ-Y mark should never be used.Unlike other modes where LQ has significant cost savings, the only exception by air is from package testing; there is no exception from shipping papers or labeling.

Many airlines have filed variations prohibiting LQ shipments, which would necessitate labor to obliterate the Y-mark. There is an example in the IATA DGR that the LQ surface mark may remain on the package and be ignored in international air. This eliminates the labor to remove it, and allows the package to be LQ during the international journey on the surface leg subsequent to air transport.
Citations: IATA (operator restrictions); Dangerous Goods List Columns G & H (LQ is forbidden); and Figure 7.2.A (the ground LQ mark is allowed and ignored)
RemOil is classified as UN 1993, PG III, and therefore must be packed according to Packing Instruction 355:

- The package must be tested, and bear the specification package mark, for example:
- The maximum gross weight is typically 400 kg (882 pounds) per package (bearing in mind the maximum net capacity is 60 L for passenger aircraft or 220 L for cargo-aircraft-only).
- The outer packaging codes are specifications with minimum standards of construction and maximum gross weights.
Citation: IATA marking, 6.2 specifications, 6.3 testing
International air transport is subject to the requirements of IATA, the International Air Transport Association. A special document is required called a Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD) in addition to any standard bill of lading. Fill out the DGD as follows in four sequences:
Sequence 1 – Dangerous Goods Identification
The sequence is: “UN 1993, Flammable liquid, n.o.s. (petroleum distillates), 3, PG III”.
For different UN numbers each change to Sequence 1 must be on a new line. For different bottle sizes of the same Sequence 1 information, Sequence 1 can be done once and associated with more than one line in Sequence 2 (read below).
Sequence 2 – Quantity and Type of Packing
The sequence is “QUANTITY PACKAGING:MATERIAL-TYPE X NET-QUANTITY”, e.g. “5 fibreboard boxes X 4.5 kg”. Quantity is the number of shipping cases (packages). The degree of rounding is not specified, but may be to the nearest kilogram, and should be consistent between the DGD, package and overpack markings. Packaging type is denoted by material and type, e.g. “fibreboard boxes” or “steel drums”. Metric units must be used, which for liquids is “L” for liters, upper case; metric units are case sensitive, e.g. kg is lower case.
For multiple products, each change to Sequence 2 must be on a different line, e.g. different net weight, but Sequence 1 does not have to be repeated if together. See IATA DGR Figure 8.1.K.
When overpacks are used:
- Packaging in overpacks must be listed first.
- The wording “Overpack Used” must be inserted on the declaration form immediately after all the entries in the overpack.
- When a consignment consists of multiple overpacks each overpack must have an identification marking any alpha-numeric format) and be marked with the total quantity of dangerous goods within the overpack including the unit of measurement.
- The total quantity(ies) shown on the Shipper’s Declaration must match the total quantity(ies) shown on the overpack.
- Multiple overpacks with identical contents must be identified as follows: “Overpack Used X (number of identical overpacks)”, (see IATA Figure 8.1.L and Figure 8.1.N, examples 8 and 10). Multiple overpacks with different contents must be identified by listing them separately
Sequence 3 –Packing Instruction
Write the number of the applicable packing instruction, “355”.
Sequence 4 – Authorizations
Use this to describe any government authorizations, e.g. EX numbers for explosives. This column is likely not applicable to RemOil, and may be left blank.
The following example is for a pallet of RemOil 2-oz bottles, and a second pallet with both 2-oz and RemOil and ammunition. The dashed red line is put there to distinguish the two different pallets, and is not part of the document. For more information, see IATA Figure 8.1.N on shipping liquids and solids on the same pallet.

Citation: IATA
Upper case letters are not required, but are better than lower case to meet the text size requirements uniformly. Packages containing small arms ammunition must display the following markings and at least 6mm (1/4”) high, or an appropriate size for packages which are ≤5 kg net, as follows:
- UN# – “UN 0012”
- the full name and address of the shipper and the consignee, located on the same package surtace and near the proper shipping name, if the package dimensions are adequate;
- per IATA requirements, the net quantity, in liters, abbreviated “L” in upper case, e.g. “0.34 L”. The “L” has to be in upper case per the specifications of the metric system (“kg” has to be lower case). The net quantity must be marked adjacent to the UN number and proper shipping name. It may be rounded to the nearest liter, or to a desired level of decimals for better accuracy and alignment with the overpack weight. The net quantity should be identical to that shown on the Dangerous Goods Declaration document.
- the specification package marking, placed in a location and of such size relative to the package as to be readily visible. Must be pre-printed or affixed, and not handwritten. For packages with a gross weight exceeding 30 kg the marking, or a duplicate thereof, must appear on the top or on the side of the package. For example:

The Class 3 hazard label must be applied as follows:
- When the package dimensions are adequate, labels must be located on the same surface of the package near the proper shipping name marking.
- Labels should be affixed adjacent to the shipper’s or consignee’s address appearing on the package.
- Unless the package dimensions are inadequate, the label(s) must be affixed at an angle of 45 degrees (diamond shaped) to the surrounding markings.
The surface LQ mark is not valid in international air transport, but may remain on the package and be ignored in air transport, and be valid for further surface transport when the air journey is over. See IATA and IATA Figure 7.2.A.

Citation: IATA, 7.1.4, 7.1.5,
Examples of overpacks include pallets and specification packages placed in another packaging. International air transport is subject to the requirements of IATA, the International Air Transport Association, which requires unique pallet markings.
Unless all markings and labels representative of all dangerous goods in the overpack are clearly visible, the overpack must be marked with:
- the word “OVERPACK” in letters at least 12 mm (1/2”) high;
- UN number
- proper shipping name
- full names and addresses of the consignor and consignee
The following requirements apply even if all markings are visible:
- If there is more than one UN number in an overpack, write each UN number and the total quantity of dangerous goods for each UN number.
- If there are two or more overpacks, name and mark each pallet with a unique identification mark (which may be in any alpha-numeric format) and the total quantity of dangerous goods, as indicated on the Dangerous Goods Declaration.
Normally we would use this OVERPACK sticker for domestic shipments:

However since there is so much information required, we print it on a piece of paper instead, with OVERPACK and the UN number in 1/2″ print, and affix it to the pallet. Following are two examples corresponding to the example shippers declaration above, one for RemOil alone on a pallet, and another for both RemOil and ammo on the same pallet:

Citation: IATA 7.1.7